All Sermons

Easter Sunday 4/12/2020

Bethel Lutheran Church Praise team offers a prelude of Hymn # 111 Low in the Grave He Lay then Pastor Tim Carlson gives his Easter Sunday sermon based on the text of Luke 24: 1 – 12. The praise team then sings Hymn # 104 Christ the Lord is Risen Today. We at Bethel Free…

Good Friday 4/10/2020

From Bethel Free Lutheran Church in Grafton, ND. Pastor Tim Carlson presents his Good Friday Sermon for April 10, 2020. The sermon is based on the text from the book of Numbers, chapter 16.

Palm Sunday 4/5/2020

Pastor Terry Olson of Bethel Lutheran Church presents the Palm Sunday Sermon based on Luke 19: 28 – 41. It is titled Palm Sunday Tears. The prelude is performed by some children of the church and the postlude is Hymn # 95: All Glory, Laud, and Honor.

Lenten Service 4/1/2020

Pastor T. Olson, of Bethel Free Lutheran Church in Grafton, ND presents the sermon for the last Lenten Service, April 1st, 2020. The sermon is on Isaiah 53:12. The sermon is followed by a piano solo performed by Jean Olson of Hymn #214: There is a Fountain Filled with Blood.